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Run command for Internet explorer

Internet explorer (IE) can be opened from Run command by executing iexplore.

open internet explorer from run window

If you want to open a website or web page directly from Run window, you can just specify the URL of the site/page with the iexplore command. For example, to open ‘www.windows-commandline.com’, you can execute the below command from Run window.

iexplore www.windows-commandline.com
open a website in internet explorer from run window

These commands work with all versions of Internet explorer.

To open internet explorer from command prompt

c:>start iexplore

Running iexplore without start would fail with the below error.

'iexplore' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
5 comments… add one
  • Etta Saunders

    I’m trying to unistall securty warning on pop-up off my phone but someone put it on without my permission.

  • admin

    “Running iexplore without start would fail with the below error”
    The ongoing nightmare that is Windows.

  • paul abraham

    install internet explorer

  • Bhushan

    Run below command in cmd including ”
    “C:\Program Files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe”

  • Ramhawnga

    When i press down arrow key without or with openning any windows, internerexorer runs, i dont know why. Tell me hoe to fix.

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