It’s very common scenario in IT field that people who are familiar with one OS have to learn/work with another OS. I do see many people, who are familiar with Linux commands, looking for their equivalent commands in Windows OS. Below I have attempted to list down the Windows commands for most widely used Linux commands. If I have missed any, please write in the comments section and let me know.
Ls : The Windows equivalent one is dir. ‘Dir‘ has many switches to list files based on different attributes, sort the list on size or date modified etc.
Grep : Findstr is the closet matching one for grep. find is also for searching strings in files, but it does not have many options.
Adduser: We can use net user to manage user accounts.
Useradd: net localgroup can be used to manage user groups. Net group can be used to manage active directory (domain) groups.
Uname : ver command shows Windows OS version. Systeminfo shows lot of hardware and software information.
Ps : The closest matching command is tasklist, though it’s not as feature rich as ps.
Echo : echo. Very much similar to Linux’s echo.
Md : mkdir
rm: Del deletes files whereas rmdir can be used to delete directories.
Du : du can be used to monitor the disk usage. However, this tool is not part of Windows OS. We need to install it separately. See the link for more information.
Df : Net use. We can list the network shares mapped on the computer.
Mount : Net use . Map network share to local drive
Cat : Type print the contents of a text file in the console/command prompt.
Head : there’s no equivalent command I am aware of.
Tail : Tail resource kit tool.
touch: Fsutil can be used to create files of require size.
I will add few more commands to the list soon…If you are searching for some specific command and do not find it here, please let me know. has a bunch of *nix commands compiled for windows and they work quite well
Thanks, very useful. Hadn’t used Windows in many years and needed a quick translator to complete a few simple tasks. Exactly what I needed.
i use the following in my terminal setup script
doskey ls=dir /b $*
doskey ll=dir $*
doskey grep=findstr /i /s /p /n /c:$*
with this i can use those Unix commands on Windows, just in case i forget that i am on Windows :)
Nice tip. Thanks you Linh for sharing with us.
Thank you so much
I couldn’t find command for opening a folder or a directory , I tried using Open command but it’s showing error in Windows , Could you share your inputs on it.
For Unix cp Windows has copy and xcopy.