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Start or stop or disable Telnet Service from command line

Windows provides mechanism to control the operation of a service from command line. How we can do this for Telnet service is shown below.

If the Telnet service is not already running you can start it using the following command.

net start telnet

To stop telnet service you can run the below command.

net stop telnet

In the above command we can also use Tlntsvr instead of telnet name. Net command works with either name. But SC command accepts only Tlntsvr. Telnet is the display name of the service whereas Tlntsvr is the service id with which windows identifies a particular service.]

If the service is disable, you can’t start the service. You need to enable the service first. For this you can run the below command.

sc config tlntsvr start= demand


sc config tlntsvr start= auto

To disable telnet service we need to run the below command.

sc config tlntsvr start= disabled


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